Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What's for dinner?

Okay, so I am bored and frustrated. My kids want hamburgers for dinner. TJ specifically asked for a homemade "Big Mac" (McDonalds kind of stuff.. yeah, okay. *sighs*).
I am going this evening and tomorrow to price and maybe put on layaway a washer. My parents have helped us out -- a BIG thankyou to them!! -- in the way of financing a new one since the other one had a lightening strike. We are also getting a quality surge protector for it so we don't do this again. Hopefully!!

I need to clean my house.. and am making slow progress. And at least it is progress. One small load of laundry done. And one corner of the living room done. Laundry ready to be put away.. and I need to go do that dinner thing soon.


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