Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday.... nonsense

Hello again!

Yesterday was an interesting day. It started out like a normal going to go pay bills, run errands kind of day.

My first stop gas and kerosene. So far so good. Next I drove clear across the county -- I have to pay my phone bill over there. I went in and payed the bill. Came out and a fella in a small black truck towing a trailer was over at the drop box. O.k., no biggie -- except for one notable thing. He was in an awful dang hurry. Rushed his little truck and trailer right out into the intersection without so much as batting an eyelash that I was on the street he was going to cross. And off he went, darting as fast as he could through intersections and around traffic. One word - dangerous. I mumbled to myself that I certainly hoped he didn't get hurt or hurt anyone else with this obvious reckless driving.

Next stop - insurance. Which happens to be not so very far from the phone company. Lucky me huh?

As I am making my way down the main road way who do I happen to see on the side of the road? You guessed it -- its the little black truck hauling the trailer guy. And he's managed to over heat his little black beast that he was so desperate to get rolling so fast.

My thoughts on this -- I wished that this guy remained safe and that those around him would be safe even though he was being so careless. And what I got for my efforts was him being stuck on the side of the road!

Poor fella..... Now maybe in the future he will chill out on that little engine.

Many blessings! Remember to think positive about those whom are reckless and you may find your answer very quickly.

And this is a true story!


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